VAS Panzer 103

The VAS Panzer 103 was designed to take advantage of the acoustic dampening abilities of the German Panzerholz wood. This dense and tough wood reproduces sound that is very smooth, musical and colorful, perfect for orchestral and classical music to recreate that concert hall feeling or soft vocals like songs sung by Amanda McBroom. It also has a refined nude hyperelliptical installed to pick the minute details in the record. This cartridge is perfect for those that want their music to be relaxing while listening for a pleasant experience.

*For those interested in a Mono version with a true balanced coil, this cartridge is perfect for old mono classical music.

  • Frequency response (Hz): 20-45,000
  • Output@1khz, 50mm/sec: 0.32 mV
  • Output impedance: 40 Ohms
  • Load impedance: 40 Ohm – 1.0 K Ohms
  • Channel seperation at 1kHz: over 25db
  • Channel sensitivity: 1dB or less
  • Stylus: Hyperelliptical
  • For Mono: Heavy Elliptical (best for mono tracking)
  • Compliance: 5×10-6cm/dyne (100Hz)
  • Tracking force- 1.85 ~ 2.65g
  • Cantilever: reinforced aluminum alloy
  • Mass: 12.5gm